Usually when we hear “Does size matter”, we think of guys and too small cocks, which is of great concern to many of them and their partners. However size is often a concern to women as well, ones that have given birth and are concerned about having too loose a vagina to properly grip their partners during sex. I had an acquaintance that was obsessed with her vaginal size after having two kids.
She would tireless research vaginal rejuvenation procedures online and wonder how she’d pay for this critical surgery she felt was a must have for herself. That coupled with her “over wetness issue”, lord the things she would share…Yikes! She was convinced these two things combined were just dreadful for her sexually. Women that do practice Kegel exercises do have tighter muscles than those that don’t, that’s a fact, but many are unsure how to do them properly. There’s many devices out there to aid you in doing them properly. If it is truly a concern, then learn to do them and do them until you can lift up filled pop bottles with your pussy!
I’ve never had a child, nor will I, but I think a C section is the best possible answer, you avoid this loose pussy issue entirely, you won’t have the same kind of bladder leakage in later years many that have given birth will, it seems a lot more sensible to me all around. Men would I think be reluctant to mention to their partners they didn’t feel as tight as they once did for fear of hurting their feelings, even if they were asked point blank. The exercises seem like a good step to take if there’s any question in your mind as to your tightness. Tight is a good thing. So if after birth your partner is asking for anal like never before, that may be a sign poor pussy just isn’t what she used to be.